Feb 19, 2004

Lance Armstrong and team-mate Floyd Landis ride together

Lance Armstrong and team-mate Floyd Landis ride together

Feb 18, 2004

Gary Speed jostles with Darren Fletcher

Gary Speed jostles with Darren Fletcher

Feb 17, 2004

France's Olivier Magne and Fabien Pelous in training

France's Olivier Magne and Fabien Pelous in training

Feb 8, 2004

Paul Hunter in action during his win over Ronnie O'Sullivan in the Masters

Paul Hunter in action during his win over Ronnie O'Sullivan in the Masters

Feb 2, 2004

Darren Gough shakes hands with Graham Gooch as David East looks on

Darren Gough shakes hands with Graham Gooch as David East looks on

Feb 1, 2004

Roger Federer wins the 2004 Australian Open

Roger Federer wins the 2004 Australian Open
