• Drugs in Sport

Disgraced Lance Armstrong argues time is up

ESPN staff
July 24, 2013

Lance Armstrong is urging a federal judge to dismiss the Justice Department's False Claims Act lawsuit against him, arguing that the claims are barred by the statute of limitations.

In the filing, lawyers for the disgraced cyclist also argue that the US Postal Service, which sponsored Armstrong's team, got exactly what it bargained for, namely tens of millions of dollars' worth of publicity.

The Justice Department this year joined former Armstrong team-mate Floyd Landis' whistle-blower lawsuit against Armstrong. The government claims that Armstrong violated his contract with the Postal Service and was "unjustly enriched" while cheating to win the Tour de France.

In January, Armstrong admitted using performance-enhancing drugs after years of denials.

The spectre of Armstrong continued to haunt this year's race with winner Chris Froome facing daily questions over the state of drugs within the sport.

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