Top 14 Orange - Castres, 14 October 2011, 20:45 local, 18:45 GMT
Castres (12) 24 - 3 (0) Toulouse (FT)


Time Castres  Score  Toulouse
0 start of first half start of first half
2 Kockott - penalty goal 3 - 0
17 Kockott - penalty goal 6 - 0
20 Kockott - penalty goal 9 - 0
31 Kockott - penalty goal 12 - 0
40+1 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half start of second half
44 12 - 3 Bezy - penalty goal
47 Kockott - penalty goal 15 - 3
49 Tekori - sub on
Bornman - sub off
50 Galan - sub off
Sowerby - sub on
Bouilhou - sub off
Nicolas - sub on
53 Kockott - penalty goal 18 - 3
56 Kockott - penalty goal 21 - 3 Beauxis - sub on
McAlister - sub off
60 Vernet Basualdo - sub on
Guinazu - sub off
Montes - sub on
Falefa - sub off
63 Rallier - sub on
Bonello - sub off
Kockott - penalty goal
Peikrishvili - sub on
Coetzee - sub off
24 - 3 Maestri - sub off
Boukerou - sub on
67 Tales - yellow card
68 Matanavou - yellow card
Boutemane - sub on
Hoeft - sub off
72 Rolland - sub off
Murray - sub on
Poitrenaud - sub off
Jauzion - sub on
75 Andreu - sub off
Lakafia - sub on
77 Wihongi - sub off
Kruger - sub on
80 end of second half end of second half


Result Castres won by a margin of 21 points
Ground name Stade Pierre-Antoine, Castres

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