Top 14 Orange - Agen, 4 November 2010, 19:00 local, 18:00 GMT
Agen (9) 21 - 20 (8) Racing Metro (FT)


Time Agen  Score  Racing Metro
0 start of first half start of first half
12 Courrent - penalty goal 3 - 0
16 3 - 5 Bobo - try
22 Steyn - yellow card
27 Courrent - penalty goal 6 - 5
28 Fillol - sub on
Wisniewski - sub off
31 6 - 8 Fillol - penalty goal
35 Pelesasa - sub on
Vaka - sub off
36 Courrent - penalty goal 9 - 8
40+1 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half start of second half
43 Badenhorst - yellow card
48 Lo Cicero Vaina - sub on
Brugnaut - sub off
49 9 - 11 Fillol - penalty goal
50 Galindo - sub off
Cronje - sub on
52 Courrent - penalty goal 12 - 11
54 Monribot - sub on
Badenhorst - sub off
55 Courrent - penalty goal 15 - 11 Bergamasco - sub on
Fall - sub off
56 Springgay - sub on
Lagrange - sub off
59 15 - 14 Fillol - penalty goal
60 Muller - sub on
Sheklashvili - sub off
63 Courrent - penalty goal 18 - 14
66 Telefoni - sub on
Nnomo - sub off
Zimmermann * - sub on
Tuugahala - sub off
67 Mach - sub on
Narjissi - sub off
68 18 - 17 Fillol - drop goal
69 Festuccia - sub on
Noirot - sub off
van der Merwe - sub on
Qovu Nailiko - sub off
75 18 - 20 Fillol - penalty goal
76 Tuugahala - sub on
Zimmermann * - sub off
77 Machenaud - sub on
Dupuy - sub off
80 Courrent - penalty goal
end of second half
21 - 20 end of second half


Result Agen won by a margin of 1 point
Ground name Stade Armandie, Agen


Agen Racing Metro
Tries none Tries Bobo (16)
Pens Courrent (12, 27, 36, 52, 55, 63, 80) Pens Fillol (31, 49, 59, 75)
Drops none Drops Fillol (68)

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