Top 14 Orange - La Rochelle, 11 February 2011, 20:45 local, 19:45 GMT
La Rochelle (19) 19 - 22 (19) Toulouse (FT)


Time La Rochelle  Score  Toulouse
0 start of first half start of first half
5 Goosen - penalty goal 3 - 0
12 3 - 3 Michalak - penalty goal
15 Goosen - penalty goal 6 - 3 Millo-Chluski - sub on
Maestri - sub off
17 6 - 6 Michalak - drop goal
18 6 - 13 Caucaunibuca - try
Michalak - conversion
24 Goosen - penalty goal 9 - 13
25 9 - 16 Heymans - drop goal
26 Faasalele - try 14 - 16
27 Goosen - conversion 16 - 16
34 Rabeni - yellow card
35 16 - 19 Michalak - penalty goal
37 Lamerat - yellow card
39 Goosen - penalty goal 19 - 19
40 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half start of second half
Johnston - sub on
Lecouls - sub off
43 Bares - sub on
Toderasc - sub off
51 Picamoles - sub on
Sowerby - sub off
53 Jacob - sub on
Djebaili - sub off
57 Vernet Basualdo - sub on
Poux - sub on
Lacombe - sub off
Human - sub off
58 Bouilhou - sub on
Lamboley - sub off
59 Garcia - sub on
Leopolu - sub off
71 Bezy - sub on
Vergallo - sub off
76 Dambielle - sub on
Goosen - sub off
78 19 - 22 Bezy - penalty goal
80 end of second half end of second half


Result Toulouse won by a margin of 3 points
Ground name Stade Marcel Deflandre, La Rochelle


La Rochelle Toulouse
Tries Faasalele (26) Tries Caucaunibuca (18)
Cons Goosen (27) Cons Michalak (18)
Pens Goosen (5, 15, 24, 39) Pens Michalak (12, 35), Bezy (78)
Drops none Drops Michalak (17), Heymans (25)

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