French Top 14 , 27 September 2008, 14:30 local, 12:30 GMT
Montauban (13) 24 - 23 (15) Castres (FT)


Time Montauban  Score  Castres
0 start of first half start of first half
6 0 - 3 Lagardere - penalty goal
8 0 - 6 Lagardere - penalty goal
17 Delasau - try 5 - 6
18 Fortassin - conversion 7 - 6
21 Fortassin - penalty goal 10 - 6
22 10 - 9 Lagardere - penalty goal
25 10 - 12 Lagardere - penalty goal
34 Fortassin - penalty goal 13 - 12
38 13 - 15 McIntyre - drop goal
40+1 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half start of second half
44 Fortassin - drop goal 16 - 15
50 Fortassin - penalty goal
Ghezal - sub on
Paku - sub off
19 - 15 Faure - yellow card
53 19 - 18 Lagardere - penalty goal
54 Paku - sub on
Audrin - sub off
Paku - try
24 - 18
55 Boscus - sub on
Ducalcon - sub off
56 Florea - sub on
57 Murray - sub off
69 Mach - sub on
Avramovic - sub off
79 end of second half 24 - 23 Tomiki - sub on
Ducalcon - sub on
Nallet - sub on
Nallet - sub off
Boscus - sub off
Tomiki - sub off
Tomiki - try
end of second half


Result Montauban won by a margin of 1 point


Montauban Castres
Tries Delasau (17), Paku (54) Tries Tomiki (79)
Cons Fortassin (18) Cons none
Pens Fortassin (21, 34, 50) Pens Lagardere (6, 8, 22, 25, 53)
Drops Fortassin (44) Drops McIntyre (38)

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