French Top 14 , 3 October 2008, 20:30 local, 18:30 GMT
Castres (3) 10 - 28 (21) Toulouse (FT)


Time Castres  Score  Toulouse
0 start of first half start of first half
5 0 - 3 Skrela - penalty goal
10 0 - 8 Kunavore - try
11 0 - 10 Skrela - conversion
14 0 - 13 Skrela - drop goal
17 Boscus - drop goal 3 - 13
27 3 - 16 Skrela - penalty goal
28 3 - 21 Kunavore - try
40 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half start of second half
41 3 - 26 Heymans - try
42 3 - 28 Skrela - conversion
44 Sika - sub on
Milford - sub off
51 Giorgadze - sub on
Bonello - sub off
Poux - sub on
Human - sub off
55 Nell - sub on
Tekori - sub off
56 Christophers - sub on
Lagardere - sub off
Swanepoel - sub on
Medard - sub off
58 Lensing - sub on
Saayman - sub off
65 Milford - sub off
Bouquie - sub on
Pelous - sub on
Albacete - sub off
66 Bouilhou - sub on
Dusautoir - sub off
70 Sanchou - try 8 - 28
73 Bouquie - conversion 10 - 28
76 Malonga - sub on
Tomiki - sub off
77 Kelleher - sub off
Belie - sub on
80 end of second half
end of half
end of second half
end of half


Result Toulouse won by a margin of 18 points


Castres Toulouse
Tries Sanchou (70) Tries Kunavore (10, 28), Heymans (41)
Cons Bouquie (73) Cons Skrela (11, 42)
Pens none Pens Skrela (5, 27)
Drops Boscus (17) Drops Skrela (14)

Other scores

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