FIRA Championship D2 , Pool 1 - San Dona, 29 December 1968
Italy (3) 22 - 3 (3) Serbia and Montenegro (FT)


Italy Serbia and Montenegro
Tries Autore, Bollesan, Conforto II, Gini, Pignotti, Rista Tries 1
Cons Martini 2 Cons none


Result Italy won by a margin of 19 points
FIRA Championship D2 points Italy 2, Serbia and Montenegro 0
Ground name San Dona
Referee Genet (France)
Italy Test debuts M Finocchi, A Gerardo, A Miele, W Rista, F Valier
Serbia and Montenegro Test debuts none
Points scoring rules try 3, conversion 2, penalty goal 3, drop goal 3, goal from a mark 3