FIRA Championship D2 , Group B - Aosta, 26 November 1972
Italy (9) 13 - 12 (6) Serbia and Montenegro (FT)


Italy Serbia and Montenegro
Tries Fedrigo Tries 2
Cons none Cons 2
Pens Vialetto 3 Pens none


Result Italy won by a margin of 1 point
FIRA Championship D2 points Italy 2, Serbia and Montenegro 0
Ground name Stadio St Vincent Perruca, Aosta
Referee M Dubernet (France)
Italy Test debuts S Bonetti, E de Anna, A Fedrigo, L Francescato, F Gargiullo, G Lari, M Marchetto, F Vialetto
Serbia and Montenegro Test debuts none
Points scoring rules try 4, conversion 2, penalty goal 3, drop goal 3, goal from a mark 3

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