Don't throw it away, warns Heriot's coach
January 23, 2000

Heriot's coach Gareth Davies believes mistakes by his can stop them from retaining the BT Scotland Premiership title after their 37-15 win over Hawick.
"I'd like to think that was the case, but we are not taking anything for granted yet," said Davies. "But put it this way -if we don't retain our championship now it will be entirely our own fault. I was delighted with our all-round display in the first half. We were terrific and we were not going to lose it after that.''
Hawick coach Colin Easton admitted: "The result was a huge disappointment after our success against Glasgow Hawks. Their line-out effectively won it for them, and we gave their back runners
far too much space."
Heriot's nearest rivals, Glasgow Hawks, are now seven points adrift despite their impressive 69-14 win over West of Scotland, and with only four games left for each of the top two sides it looks like the Edinburgh club are close to retaining their title.

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