RaboDirect PRO12 - Llanelli, 7 January 2012, 18:15 local, 18:15 GMT
Scarlets (16) 16 - 14 (8) Glasgow (FT)

Match coverage:  Report


Time Scarlets  Score  Glasgow
0 start of first half start of first half
7 0 - 5 Low - try
10 Priestland - penalty goal 3 - 5
12 3 - 8 Jackson - penalty goal
13 Wight - sub on
Jackson - sub off
14 Priestland - penalty goal 6 - 8
24 Priestland - penalty goal 9 - 8
25 Kalman - sub on
Low - sub off
35 Harley - yellow card
36 Wilson - yellow card
39 Reid - sub on
Kalman - sub off
40 DG Davies - try
Priestland - conversion
16 - 8
40+8 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half start of second half
43 Reid - sub off
Kalman - sub on
44 16 - 11 Wight - penalty goal
45 DG Davies - sub off
R Williams - sub on
Iongi - sub on
Lamont - sub off
52 Newton - sub off
SM Jones - sub on
56 Rees - sub off
Owens - sub on
RP Jones - sub on
ID Thomas - sub off
Manu - sub off
RM Thomas - sub on
58 Gillies - sub on
Thomson - sub off
Welsh - sub off
Reid - sub on
Forrester - sub on
Fusaro - sub off
Wilson - sub off
Beattie - sub on
Dewey - sub off
Dunbar - sub on
60 Day - sub off
Shingler - sub on
65 Edwards - sub off
Turnbull - sub on
70 16 - 14 Wight - penalty goal
72 McConnell - sub on
Pyrgos - sub off
80 end of second half end of second half


Result Scarlets won by a margin of 2 points
Ground name Parc Y Scarlets, Llanelli


Scarlets Glasgow
Tries DG Davies (40) Tries Low (7)
Cons Priestland (40) Cons none
Pens Priestland (10, 14, 24) Pens Jackson (12), Wight (44, 70)

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