
Italy England
Tries Sarto (68) Tries Brown (12, 37), Farrell (31), Nowell (52), Vunipola (60), Tuilagi (67), Robshaw (80)
Cons none Cons Farrell (13, 32, 39, 53, 61, 67, 80)
Pens Orquera (6, 22) Pens Farrell (10)

Match stats

Italy   England
1 Tries 7
0 from 1 Conversion goals 7 from 7
2 from 2 Penalty goals 1 from 1
67.0% Kick at goal success 100.0%
0 (1 missed) Dropped goals 0
13 Kicks from hand 17
97 Passes 213
81 Runs 133
273 Metres run with ball 524
39% (28%/47%) Possession (1H/2H) 61% (72%/53%)
32% (22%/39%) Territory (1H/2H) 68% (78%/61%)
4 Clean breaks 12
9 Defenders beaten 29
9 Offloads 19
51 from 57 (89.5%) Rucks won 86 from 92 (93.5%)
0 from 1 (0.0%) Mauls won 7 from 9 (77.8%)
20 Turnovers conceded 21
122/29 Tackles made/missed 76/9
81.0% Tackling success rate 89.0%
Set pieces
7 won, 4 lost (63.6%) Scrums on own feed 5 won, 0 lost (100.0%)
8 won, 4 lost (66.7%) Lineouts on own throw 18 won, 1 lost (94.7%)
14 (0) Penalties conceded (Freekicks) 9 (1)
1/0 Yellow/red cards 0/0

Italy stats

Pos   T/A Pts K/P/R MR CB DB OL TO Tack LO Pen Y/R
FB McLean 0/0 0 2/8/12 84 1 2 1 4 2/0 0/0 2 0/0
W Esposito 0/0 0 0/0/2 1 0 0 0 1 8/1 0/0 0 0/0
C Campagnaro 0/0 0 0/3/7 45 1 4 3 1 10/4 0/0 0 0/0
C Garcia 0/0 0 2/0/3 10 0 0 0 1 6/0 0/0 0 0/0
W Sarto 1/0 5 2/1/6 65 2 1 0 2 4/2 0/0 0 0/0
FH Orquera 0/0 6 3/8/1 0 0 1 1 0 3/2 0/0 0 0/0
SH Tebaldi 0/0 0 3/36/7 8 0 0 0 3 4/0 0/0 0 0/0
P Aguero 0/0 0 0/0/1 0 0 0 0 0 2/0 0/0 1 0/0
H Ghiraldini 0/0 0 0/4/8 21 0 0 1 1 11/2 0/0 1 0/0
P Cittadini 0/0 0 0/3/2 0 0 0 0 0 10/2 0/0 1 0/0
L Geldenhuys 0/0 0 0/4/7 6 0 0 1 1 10/0 0/0 0 0/0
L Bortolami 0/0 0 0/2/2 1 0 0 0 0 10/4 3/0 4 1/0
F Furno 0/0 0 0/1/2 8 0 0 0 1 3/2 0/0 0 0/0
F Barbieri 0/0 0 0/1/4 10 0 1 0 2 15/3 0/0 2 0/0
N8 Parisse 0/0 0 1/7/8 6 0 0 0 1 8/2 3/0 1 0/0
(P) Rizzo 0/0 0 0/0/1 3 0 0 0 0 3/0 0/0 0 0/0
(P) de Marchi 0/0 0 0/4/4 0 0 0 2 0 1/1 0/0 1 0/0
(F) Biagi 0/0 0 0/0/2 5 0 0 0 1 6/0 2/0 0 0/0
(F) Derbyshire 0/0 0 0/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 1/0 0/0 0 0/0
(SH) Gori 0/0 0 0/5/1 0 0 0 0 0 2/2 0/0 0 0/0
(FH) Allan 0/0 0 0/9/1 0 0 0 0 1 3/2 0/0 1 0/0
(C) Masi 0/0 0 0/1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 0/0
Key T/A Tries / Try Assists Pts Points scored
K/P/R Kick / Pass / Run MR Metres Run with ball
CB Clean Breaks DB Defenders Beaten OL OffLoads TO TurnOvers
Tack Tackles made / missed LO LineOuts won on throw / stolen on opp throw
Pen Penalties conceded Y/R Yellow / Red cards

Eng stats

Pos   T/A Pts K/P/R MR CB DB OL TO Tack LO Pen Y/R
FB Brown 2/1 10 3/5/15 133 3 5 0 3 0/0 0/0 0 0/0
W Nowell 1/0 5 0/2/3 41 1 1 1 2 6/0 0/0 0 0/0
C Burrell 0/1 0 0/7/8 59 1 1 2 0 2/1 0/0 0 0/0
C Twelvetrees 0/1 0 0/15/5 7 0 1 2 0 6/1 0/0 0 0/0
W May 0/0 0 1/5/10 34 0 2 1 1 3/1 0/0 0 0/0
FH Farrell 1/2 22 3/38/9 20 1 2 3 1 8/0 1/0 2 0/0
SH Care 0/1 0 9/59/10 35 1 2 2 1 0/0 0/0 0 0/0
P Vunipola 1/0 5 0/4/11 21 1 3 1 2 5/2 0/0 3 0/0
H Hartley 0/0 0 0/7/7 8 0 1 1 1 4/0 0/0 0 0/0
P Wilson 0/0 0 0/1/5 0 0 0 1 0 1/0 1/0 0 0/0
L Launchbury 0/0 0 0/3/3 0 0 0 0 1 6/0 2/0 0 0/0
L Lawes 0/0 0 0/8/7 12 0 0 1 1 1/0 6/2 1 0/0
F Wood 0/0 0 0/4/1 0 0 0 0 3 9/1 7/0 0 0/0
F Robshaw 1/0 5 0/15/9 7 1 0 1 1 11/2 1/0 0 0/0
N8 Morgan 0/0 0 0/8/13 44 0 3 2 2 5/0 0/0 1 0/0
(H) Youngs 0/0 0 0/0/2 1 0 0 0 0 4/0 0/0 1 0/0
(P) Mullan 0/0 0 0/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 0/0
(P) Thomas 0/0 0 0/2/1 1 0 0 0 0 1/0 0/0 0 0/0
(L) Attwood 0/0 0 0/1/2 42 1 3 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 0/0
(F) Johnson 0/0 0 0/1/1 8 0 1 0 0 2/0 0/0 0 0/0
(SH) Dickson 0/0 0 0/19/0 0 0 0 0 2 0/0 0/0 0 0/0
(C) Ford 0/1 0 1/8/4 12 1 2 0 0 1/0 0/0 0 0/0
(C) Tuilagi 1/0 5 0/1/7 39 1 2 1 0 1/1 0/0 0 0/0
Key T/A Tries / Try Assists Pts Points scored
K/P/R Kick / Pass / Run MR Metres Run with ball
CB Clean Breaks DB Defenders Beaten OL OffLoads TO TurnOvers
Tack Tackles made / missed LO LineOuts won on throw / stolen on opp throw
Pen Penalties conceded Y/R Yellow / Red cards


Time Italy  Score  England
0 start of first half start of first half
6 Orquera - penalty goal 3 - 0
10 3 - 3 Farrell - penalty goal
12 3 - 8 Brown - try
13 3 - 10 Farrell - conversion
22 Orquera - penalty goal 6 - 10
31 6 - 15 Farrell - try
32 6 - 17 Farrell - conversion
37 6 - 22 Brown - try
39 6 - 24 Farrell - conversion
40 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half start of second half
42 Orquera - sub off
Allan - sub on
46 Aguero - sub off
Rizzo - sub on
de Marchi - sub on
Cittadini - sub off
50 Bortolami - yellow card
52 6 - 29 Nowell - try
53 6 - 31 Farrell - conversion
Hartley - sub off
Youngs - sub on
Burrell - sub off
Tuilagi - sub on
55 Derbyshire - sub on
Furno - sub off
60 6 - 36 Vunipola - try
61 Biagi - sub on
Derbyshire - sub off
6 - 38 Farrell - conversion
66 Gori - sub on
Tebaldi - sub off
Wood - sub off
Johnson - sub on
Care - sub off
Dickson - sub on
67 Rizzo - sub off
Cittadini - sub on
6 - 45 Tuilagi - try
Farrell - conversion
68 Sarto - try 11 - 45
70 Twelvetrees - sub off
Ford - sub on
Launchbury - sub off
Attwood - sub on
Wilson - sub off
Thomas - sub on
72 Garcia - sub off
Masi - sub on
75 Mullan - sub on
Vunipola - sub off
80+1 11 - 50 Robshaw - try
80+2 end of second half
end of half
11 - 52 Farrell - conversion
end of second half
end of half
82 11 - 52 Farrell - conversion


Result England won by a margin of 41 points
Six Nations points England 2, Italy 0
Ground name Olimpico Stadium, Rome
Attendance 57750
Referee P Gauzere (France)
Italy Test debuts GF Biagi
England Test debuts none