Top 14 Orange - Montpellier, 1 September 2010, 18:00 local, 16:00 GMT
Montpellier (9) 22 - 21 (16) Toulouse (FT)


Time Montpellier  Score  Toulouse
0 start of first half start of first half
3 Bustos Moyano - penalty goal 3 - 0
5 3 - 3 Bezy - penalty goal
12 3 - 6 Bezy - penalty goal
25 3 - 9 Bezy - penalty goal
31 Bustos Moyano - penalty goal 6 - 9
35 6 - 14 Delasau - try
37 6 - 16 Bezy - conversion
39 Bustos Moyano - penalty goal 9 - 16
40 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half
Jgenti - sub on
Thiart - sub off
start of second half
45 Bustos Moyano - penalty goal 12 - 16
46 Bustos Moyano - try 17 - 16
47 Bustos Moyano - conversion 19 - 16
50 Bustos Moyano - penalty goal 22 - 16 Dusautoir - sub on
Nyanga Kabasele - sub off
51 Human - sub on
Lecouls - sub off
Clerc - sub on
Delasau - sub off
Medard - sub on
Poitrenaud - sub off
57 Rofes - sub on
de Marco - sub on
Fakate - sub off
Ladhuie - sub off
Servat - sub on
Montes - sub on
Lacombe - sub off
Poux - sub off
62 Bost - sub on
Hancke - sub off
Petit - sub on
Chobet - sub off
69 Bouilhou - sub on
Lamboley - sub off
71 Mirande - sub on
Doumayrou - sub off
74 Berard - sub on
Nagusa - sub off
80+1 22 - 21 Bezy - try
80+2 end of second half end of second half


Result Montpellier won by a margin of 1 point
Ground name Stade Yves-du-Manoir, Montpellier


Montpellier Toulouse
Tries Bustos Moyano (46) Tries Delasau (35), Bezy (80)
Cons Bustos Moyano (47) Cons Bezy (37)
Pens Bustos Moyano (3, 31, 39, 45, 50) Pens Bezy (5, 12, 25)

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