Amlin Challenge Cup , Pool 2 - Newcastle, 8 December 2011, 19:45 local, 19:45 GMT
Newcastle Falcons (0) 6 - 3 (0) Toulon (FT)


Time Newcastle Falcons  Score  Toulon
0 start of first half start of first half
24 Mayhew - sub off
Hogg - sub on
28 Mayhew - sub on
Hogg - sub off
40+1 end of first half end of first half
40 start of second half
Shortland - sub off
Catterick - sub on
start of second half
46 Gopperth - penalty goal 3 - 0
49 Gopperth - penalty goal 6 - 0 Chiocci - sub on
Lewis-Roberts - sub off
50 6 - 3 Dumora - penalty goal
51 Mayhew - sub off
Tuifua - sub on
Chudley - sub on
Pasqualin - sub off
57 Samson - sub on
Mikautadze - sub off
62 Faosiliva - sub off
Armitage - sub on
Ivaldi - sub on
Orioli - sub off
68 Shiells - sub off
Wells - sub on
75 Hogg - sub on
Hudson - sub off
80 Graham - sub off
Frazier - sub on
80+1 end of second half end of second half


Result Newcastle Falcons won by a margin of 3 points
Ground name Kingston Park, Newcastle

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