FIRA Championship D2 , Pool B - Zagreb, 11 November 1973
Serbia and Montenegro (4) 7 - 25 (13) Italy (FT)


Serbia and Montenegro Italy
Tries 1 Tries Marchetto, Salvan, Vezzani
Cons none Cons Lazzarini 2
Pens 1 Pens Lari
Drops none Drops Salvan, Visentin


Result Italy won by a margin of 18 points
FIRA Championship D2 points Italy 3, Serbia and Montenegro 1
Ground name Zagreb
Referee J Saint-Guilhem (France)
Serbia and Montenegro Test debuts none
Italy Test debuts N Rossi, R Salvan, P Vezzani
Points scoring rules try 4, conversion 2, penalty goal 3, drop goal 3, goal from a mark 3

Other scores

FIRA Championship D1
France 7 - 6 Romania Valence d'Agen