July 8, 2012

Fernando Alonso leads Mark Webber, Michael Schumacher, Felipe Massa and Sebastian Vettel early in the race

Fernando Alonso leads Mark Webber, Michael Schumacher, Felipe Massa and Sebastian Vettel early in the race

July 8, 2012

Mark Webber, Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel celebrate on the podium

Mark Webber, Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel celebrate on the podium

July 8, 2012

Fernando Alonso leads Mark Webber, Michael Schumacher, Felipe Massa and Sebastian Vettel early in the race

Fernando Alonso leads Mark Webber, Michael Schumacher, Felipe Massa and Sebastian Vettel early in the race

July 8, 2012

Felipe Massa leads Michael Schumacher in the race

Felipe Massa leads Michael Schumacher in the race

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